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What’s the biggest killer in the world? No, it’s not war, cancer, accidents or environmental disasters like wildfires or earthquakes. It’s heart disease. Heart disease is the #1 killer in the world AND in the United States. You may not be surprised by this. It’s likely...
Walk into any grocery store, and it’s natural to assume that most of the products being sold on shelves around us would be free from animal-based ingredients – such as cookies, soups, canned beans, noodles and breads. These are not in the refrigerated meats section and don’t...
Do you struggle with your weight? The pounds seem to have crept on relentlessly over the years and now you’re 30 pounds overweight. How did that happen? Probably through factors like stress, life events, lifestyle, exercise and eating habits…just to name a few. The problem is: ...
Did you know? There are many easy ways to save money while enjoying a plant-based diet…without needing to live on flavorless meals and a limited range of plant-based foods. To eat plant-based on a budget well, one important key is knowing smart produce storage and stretching hacks, after...
What’s the truth on soy - is it ok to eat, or should there be a limit to how much one should eat of it? Soy is definitely a hot topic nowadays and there’s so much information circulating about it on the Internet – some for, and others against it. Not only that, more and more...
Do you love pumpkin seeds but wish they weren’t so expensive to buy? Maybe like me, you’ve used fresh pumpkins or winter squashes before, and always felt guilty throwing those fresh raw seeds away. Sure, I’ve tried to use them, but somehow it never seemed worth the hassle to...