My Story


Hi, I'm Anna and I'm a master's level plant-based dietitian and transition coach. My passion is to help busy people with health challenges make a smooth, quick and enjoyable transition to plant-powered eating so they can enjoy the full and vibrant lives that they want!

When I first started out as a dietitian, I was not necessarily focused on plant-based diets. But, over time, given the health problems on both my husband’s side and in my own extended family (issues such as cancer, heart problems and type 2 diabetes), I became concerned and wanted to optimize the health of my family and prevent future chronic diseases. And as I researched more about plant-based diets, I was amazed to learn the myriad of health benefits a fiber-rich, whole food plant-based diet can give – benefits such its ability to boost a person’s immunity, lower cholesterol levels, improve type 2 diabetes, and prevent and even reverse heart disease. That’s why our family then made the decision to transition to a plant-based diet a few years ago.

But though I was a dietitian, that first year was still a steep learning curve for me. I had to find my way around the plant-based world, get familiar with many new whole-food plant-based ingredients and learn how to cook them, all while working and taking care of my home and young children. However, through the experimentation and the trial and error of working with different plant-based ingredients over the years, I have since learned much about plant-based cooking, created many tasty plant-based recipes, and developed many kitchen prep hacks and lifestyle success strategies.  I can’t wait to share these with you, so as to make your transition to a plant thriving life that much easier!

This is why I'm so excited to reach out and help others now enjoy a smoother and quicker transition to plant-based eating so that they can reach rapid health transformation. Through PlantNourished®, I work with busy individuals and families in the transition phase and beyond via virtual 1-on-1 private coaching and my online Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course to enable them to live healthier, achieve more and enjoy more vibrant lives.

Using my signature PlantNourished® Transition Success Method, I support clients and students with the right tools, knowledge, plant-based recipes, time-saving kitchen hacks and practical lifestyle success strategies, so that they can start & sustain a thriving plant-powered life for true health transformation.

So even if you have a busy fast-paced life and multiple health challenges, you can still enjoy a vibrant plant-nourished lifestyle, without the need to invest long hours in the kitchen, buy expensive ingredients or sacrifice taste & convenience!

Let's connect, so I can support you on your plant-based diet journey! 









More About Anna 


A Registered Dietitian at a Masters' level and an award winning published recipe creator, Anna Tseng has over 18 years' experience with clinical dietetics, food allergies, and public health nutrition.

An industry leader in nutrition and dietetics, Anna helped spearhead large-scale pediatric food allergy research leading to groundbreaking changes in infant feeding guidelines in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States.

This cutting-edge research has also appeared in the prestigious peer-reviewed New England Journal of Medicine and been cited by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

A former Senior Clinical Research Dietitian, Anna has also worked as a clinical pediatric dietitian inside the University of California San Francisco Benioff Children's Hospital pediatric cardiac intensive care unit.

Anna now draws on her almost two-decades of dietetic experience to help everyday families and individuals with health concerns transition smoothly to a plant-based diet for optimal revitalized health so they can enjoy vibrant lives!

Remember to grab her free resource "The Quick Start Grocery Guide to Plant-Based Diet Essentials" to help you fast-track your plant-based diet transition!

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Contact email: [email protected]