Ep. 77 | 5 Plant-Based Main Course Meal Ideas to Enjoy During Holidays and Year-Round
Nov 19, 2024
It’s coming to that time of year again, when calendars begin filling up with festive events and holiday gatherings. But if you’ve just recently started eating more plant-based, it can be also a time of worry and anxiety. Maybe you’re wondering, “How do I navigate this holiday season?” and “What will I serve?” This can be especially a challenge if everyone in the family has moved to plant-based eating and this is your first Thanksgiving or Christmas together eating this new way.
So, if you’re feeling stuck on plant-based holiday meal ideas, let’s tackle those concerns together. In this episode, we’ll look at 5 festive meal ideas you and loved ones can enjoy…not just for the holidays around the corner, but year-round as well. Ready to be inspired with new meal ideas? Cozy up with a favorite holiday-time drink and let’s get started!
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Episode Highlights & Key Timestamps:
- [1:50] Podcast Review Spotlight
- [5:05] A big challenge many new plant-based eaters face during holiday season
- [5:33] How different festive entrées can be around the world
- [6:09] Meal Idea #1: Vegetable Pot Pie
- [6:41] Meal Idea #2: Stuffed Squashes
- [8:18] Meal Idea #3: Vegan Lasagna
- [9:13] Meal Idea #4: Mushroom Wellington
- [10:12] Meal Idea #5: Lentil Shepherd’s Pie
- [11:30] A key takeaway point
- [11:46] Where you can gain more meal ideas and easy plant-based recipes
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