Ep. 38 | She lost 28lb and Cut Meds in 5 Weeks on a Plant-Based Diet – Interview with Chrystal [Part 2]
Feb 27, 2024
Can you imagine ALL that might be possible from just changing one’s way of eating – from meat-heavy dishes and high-fat ultra-processed foods to a whole food plant-based diet? Chrystal didn’t. Being severely overweight with multiple health problems AND a new diagnosis of diabetes, Chrystal was facing a lifetime of managing her diabetes with pills.
But she wanted to heal her body a different way, and so embarked on her own journey into plant-based eating, while her family remained on a regular diet.
In this interview part 2, hear the myriad of health benefits Chrystal experienced within 5 weeks of eating a whole food plant-based diet, her transition challenges and learn some top meal prep tips to reduce double cooking in a mixed diet family!
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I’ve kept in touch with Chrystal after the recording of this episode, and a few weeks later, she shared with me what happened when she went back to see her doctor. He was amazed at her progress! According to her, this doctor agreed that “plant-based works well for people with diabetes but most people aren't willing to give up the meat and dairy. He said if I keep doing what I am doing he said he thinks in 3 months my A1C will be back to normal.”
Then a few months later, Chrystal updated me to let me know that her blood sugars were still doing great and that she has now lost 37 pounds. I’m so excited for her and cheering her on in her health journey!
Episode Highlights & Key Timestamps:
- [2:42] A common transition issue experienced
- [4:12] Positive changes in her blood sugars, blood pressure and meds taken
- [7:08] How her weight has dropped within 5 weeks eating a plant-based diet
- [8:00] Other lifestyle changes made during this time
- [9:21] Smart meal prep strategies for less double cooking
- [12:00] A key takeaway message Chrystal gives to listeners
- [14:01] A surprising thing she is thankful for
- [15:25] How to get support on your plant-based diet transition journey
Next Steps:
Contact -> [email protected]
Learn -> www.plantnourished.com
Join -> Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course: www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourse
Connect in the Facebook Community -> www.bit.ly/pbdietsuccess
Apply -> Free Rapid Health Transformation Call: https://bit.ly/plantnourished
Free Resource -> Quick Start Grocery Guide for Plant-Based Essentials: www.plantnourished.com/groceryguide
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