Ep. 1 | Plant-Based Versus Vegan - Learn the REAL Difference and the Best Way To Eat for Health
Jul 26, 2023
Are you plant-based curious or ready to get started with plant-based eating, but feel lost and confused by all the different terms you see? It doesn’t help either that the terms ‘vegan’ and ‘plant-based’ are sometimes used interchangeably in social media, news media channels, cookbooks, and by celebrities. And what about the other terms you’ve seen - like vegetarian, pescatarian and whole food plant-based – are these one and the same?
Navigating the plant-based world can seem scary, especially if you’ve been used to your current way of eating for so long. But it can be infinitely harder to get started if you don’t even have a clear understanding of what plant-based eating is and how to best eat this way for health.
That’s why I wanted to record this episode for you. In it, I break down key plant-based diet terms and make them simple to understand, so you can get absolute clarity on them to start your plant-based diet journey with confidence. I’ll also show you the BEST way to eat so you can have true success and real health transformation through plant-based eating. Let’s lift any fog and confusion you may have around plant-based diets, so you can finally move forward and reach your health and weight goals that much faster!
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Episode Highlights & Key Timestamps:
- [4:00] How to best view the term ‘plant-based’
- [5:00] Whether the terms ‘vegan’ and ‘plant-based’ are one and the same thing
- [6:50] The best kind of plant-based diet to eat for health
- [7:10] What research studies are showing and the health benefits of a whole food plant-based diet
Next Steps:
Contact -> [email protected]
Learn -> www.plantnourished.com
Grow -> Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course: www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourse
Join the FB Community -> www.bit.ly/pbdietsuccess
Apply -> Free Rapid Health Transformation Call: https://bit.ly/plantnourished
Free Resource -> Quick Start Grocery Guide for Plant-Based Essentials: www.plantnourished.com/groceryguide
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