Why You Won't Lose Food Freedom on a Plant-Based Diet

what is a whole food plant-based diet Jan 18, 2022

Plant-Based Eating: Less or More Restrictive?

Thinking of making a switch to plant-based eating but fear you’ll be limiting yourself to just fruits and vegetables? 

You’re not alone. Many people think moving to plant-based eating means giving up everything they enjoy and being only able to have stalks of celery and carrot sticks...

But nothing can be farther from the truth.

Actually, the sky’s the limit with plant-based eating. Watch this video to learn just how VAST the plant-based world really is and how it can never be fully explored! 📹 

[Free Resource mentioned in the video: “Beginner’s Quick Guide to Must-Know Plant-Based Basics”]

Contrary to popular belief, a plant-based diet is not just fruits and vegetables. In fact, there’s a whole endless array of nutrient rich, colorful and delicious foods in the plant-based world, not to mention different methods of cooking them and lots of different dishes to try! For example, besides fruits and vegetables, other major categories in a plant-based diet include whole grains, legumes, mushrooms, nuts and seeds.

What about protein?

Not many people know that ALL plant-based foods contain protein, just to varying amounts. Some especially protein-rich whole food plant-based sources are nuts, seeds, beans, chickpeas, lentils, and quinoa. So children, adults and even competitive athletes can easily meet their protein needs on a plant-based diet.

Before You Go, Grab this FREE Resource

If you want to learn how to start plant-based eating or begin a whole food plant-based diet, grab this FREE resource “Beginner’s Quick Guide to Must-Know Plant-Based Diet Basics”

This FREE guide gives you the essentials you need to get started, including key terms to know about, rich plant-based sources of nutrients, and some top budget money-saving tips. This guide is perfect for all beginners interested in transitioning to a plant-based diet.